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For more information:

Yolanda Coar was admitted to Augusta University Medical Center on Sunday night, July 19th, due to complications from Covid-19. She subsequently had to be intubated, placed on a ventilator and has developed serious cardiac complications. This morning, Yolanda had to be taken for a pericardial window (a procedure done on the sac surrounding the heart) and she also had an Impella device (a pump placed to support her circulatory system).
Yolanda is the beloved mother of two sons - Evan (8) and Maddox (4), and the wife of Matt Coar. She is a devoted friend, nurse, sister and daughter. This woman has a heart of gold.
We're mobilizing to help support this beautiful family with their many mounting expenses including: hospital bills, treatments, childcare, and beyond. The last thing any of us want is for financial stress to be added to what is an already incredibly challenging time. Anything leftover will be put into a college fund for the boys.
No donation is too small. Please pray for Yolanda and her family for courage, strength, and a full recovery.
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