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Pls Support Venkata Chalpati prabhu parents

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For more information:

We are deeply saddened to inform that Vekata Chalpati prabhu (alias SREEDHAR KOMMANAMANCHI  , S/O    SAMBA SIVA RAO   KOMMANAMANCH  )Pujari for Lord Narsimha Dev  in  wheeling, West Virginia  passed away on

June 9th Tuesday. It is a big shock to his family, friends and relatives.

He is a peoples person and always ready to serve whom ever he meets.

For the benefit of all people residing in America he has performed Narsimha yajna for past 45 days . He prayed for all of us to Lord Narasimha Dev to  protect the whole world  from deadly Corona Virus.

His  elderly parents are dependent on him until now.

 Venkata  Chalpati prabhu and I are from Visakhapatnam(A.P. ) , In our conversation he told me that he used to send money monthly to take care of his elderly parents back in Visakhapatnam who are renting a house in Visakhapatnam and he is their only son , want to make a humble appeal to  everyone to help his old aged parents back in Visakhapatnam , if everyone who is dear to Venkata chalpati prabhu pitches in small amount it will be helpful for their  elderly  parents survival  for sometime during their old age . 

we are planning to make a fixed deposit in his parents name so that they can  make a living on the monthly interest

( Krishna Ika prabhu (Boston)  ;  Arun pr ( venkata chalpati  prabhu  cousin from Hyd)   ; Sarvajna Govind prabhu(Dallas) ;hari Chakra prabhu (Detroit) ;Sudhir Krishna prabhu (detroit)   ; Rama Tirtha prabhu (columbus)

Murali prabhu (phily)

About Venkata Chalpati prabhu: 

Venkata chalapati das  alias SREEDHAR KOMMANAMANCHI  ,

S/O  KOMMANAMANCHI   SAMBA SIVA RAO  ) was born in Visakhapatnam  IN 1979 , After finishing his degree in Visakhapatnam ,he joined ISKCON tirupati as a full time devotee and was doing book distribution on tirumala hills  untill 2010 .

In 2010 he came to USA   and was serving  as full time preacher /pujari and taking care of cows.  he is very kind hearted ,never kept any money for himself ,whatever monthly salary he was getting  he was  serving the needy people  , recently during his last trip to India  in december 2019 he adopted two old aged couples  and he was sending money to take care of  them , on top of taking care of his elderly parents back in visakhapatnam . 

we are team of devotees working together to take care of his family and his final unfulfilled  wishes , as far as I know  his unfullfilled wishes were  he wanted to help  two old aged couples whom he adopted during his last visit to India in  december 2019  and also he wanted to  provide a tractor for the padayatra brahmacharis  in andhra pradesh who were living in austere conditions and  going to every town and village in andhra pradesh , 

Thank you everyone for your kind support and contributions  during the need of the hour ,

Disclaimer: Medical Fundraising does not receive any fund from your donation. Please go directly to the above recipient’s funding link to donate. Thank you for your donation.


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