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Hello, my name is Dana, my husband, Keith Redding was the 4th person in Maryland to lose the battle with Covid-19. My husband began feeling sick March 5th, 2020. He was admitted to Fort Washington Medical center at the recommendation of his primary care physician on the 11th. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and tested for Covid -19. The 17th his test results came back positive and he was transferred to George Washington University hospital the same day. GW performed surgery connecting him to ECMO for his lungs and heart and his health rapidly declined each day mean while I was quarantined and couldn't see my husband until the 23rd. Keith's health continued to declined now being connected to dialysis, ventilator, two oxygenators, while in a paralytic state, blood pressure medline was administered along with sedation, and several other medications to assist him. The 24th I spent most of the day by my husband's side feeling very vulnerable, meanwhile praying, hoping that he would get better and come home. I went home around 8 PM only to be called back less than an hour later. I called his daughter and we went to the hospital together. The medical team explained that I would have to make a very hard decision removing him from the medications and machines assisting him to stay alive. While at the hospital the evening of the 24th, My husband's heart began to fail and while at his bed side his heart gave way and he went to be with the Lord, March 25th at 0055 (12:55 AM).
I felt compelled to change the amount of this fund and the reason for the fund. My office really wanted to do something for me, I didn't want flowers, I wasn't hungry, so here it is a gofundme. Due to Keith's untimely death I wasn't sure of the financial responsibility I would be left with, but I have since been put at ease regarding the medical finances. I believe I will be okay, but now I would like to be a blessing to our family and establish a foundation for our grandchildten. I think Keith would want his legacy to continue through them. So, if it still touches your heart to give, you will be a blessing to the little ones that were so precious to him. I love you all and you have truly been a blessing during this time of mourning the loss of my husband. I am truly grateful to all of you, your stories, everything! Thanks so much!
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