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Arianna is a beautiful, funny and kind hearted 5 year old girl. We are still waiting for official diagnosis but her MRI this week confirmed a large (7cm) tumor sitting above her kidney. The doctors suspect that this is Neuroblastoma, a more aggressive form of cancer than originally suspected. Arianna is struggling to walk and from the MRI they suspect it has spread to her bones as these looked mottled.
Arianna is currently at Great Ormond Street hospital undergoing lots of tests and a treatment plan will be put in place. Arianna is so strong and she continues to laugh and smile, taking everything in her stride.
As you can imagine this is heartbreaking for the whole family and we would like to help Arianna's parents Chris and Abigail as much as possible. Part of how we can help is by taking the financial pressure away from them. Costs for hotel stays (as only one parent is allowed to stay with Arianna) and food are soon adding up. We want them to focus all of their strength on Arianna.
We will be using all money raised to help with hotel costs, travel, food and to make their stay more comfortable.
We hope that you can dig deep! Thank you so much for all your support, kind messages and generosity
Arianna, we are all behind you sweet girl. Your resilience and strength and that of your mummy and daddy will see you through this. We love you! Updated information: 24/11/21