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Double-Lung Transplant Coronavirus Patient Fund

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"Double-Lung Transplant Coronavirus Patient Fund"

Mayra Hi, I want to tell you about Mayra, a wonderful person who is going through an extremely difficult time in her life. Mayra is a strong-willed woman, from a small town in NC, who moved to Chicago after Graduating College to start her professional career. Mayra always maintains a positive mindset, great energy, and carries a smile on her face everywhere she goes. She has never hesitated to help others in any way she could, whether it be a friend, a family member, or a stranger. Unfortunately, within the past 2 months, Mayra has not been doing so well. She has gone through an incredibly difficult medical journey, and needs your help as she fights towards a meaningful recovery. About Mayra’s special medical journey: Mayra is a young woman who attracted the COVID-19 virus, even while trying her very best to protect herself from it. Mayra was immunocompromised prior to attracting the virus, which meant that the virus was able to run its course with less resistance than the typical young adult. During her 6 weeks in the ICU, COVID-19 lived and thrived in her lungs, causing devastating damage, and requiring that she remain on full life-support (ECMO and ventilator) for weeks. During this crisis, she and her family were not able to see, hold, or comfort each other. Nonetheless, Mayra and her medical team persisted through the pain, the fear and the uncertainty as to how she could ever survive. Her medical team managed to arrange for her to be the first ever COVID-19 patient to receive a double-lung transplant in the United States. In the operating room, Mayra’s surgical team and all who witnessed thereafter, were shocked to have seen the level of damage COVID-19 dealt to her lungs and body. Mayra has donated her lungs for medical research in hopes that lessons learned from her journey can be applied to saving the lives of others who also suffered from the virus. Our gratitude: Mayra is breathing on her own and is grateful to be alive and to see her family again. First and foremost, we are all very grateful to the donor and donor family, who at the most difficult of times, found it in their heart to offer the gift of functioning lungs and life to Mayra. We’re all very grateful to her medical team which consisted of dozens of dedicated physicians, surgeons, and nurses who would not give-up on her. Our ask for help: Mayra is facing a long road to recovery both medically and financially. We are asking for your help by donating and/or sharing this page to help Mayra and her family fund her recovery. Mayra deserves to live life as she had prior to her fight with COVID-19. We hope someday soon Mayra will be strong enough to tell her story and to express her gratitude for everybody who stood beside her in her fight. Please see the link at the top of the page to learn more about her story.

Thank you! Any Donation Helps! Keep Praying For Mayra as she recovers.

Luke 18:27  “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Matthew21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Notice: the image above is an actual picture of her damaged lung caused by COVID-19 Link to news article:

Disclaimer: Medical Fundraising does not receive any fund from your donation. Please go directly to the above recipient’s funding link to donate. Thank you for your donation.


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