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Daniel Park, a loving husband to Pauline Park and father to 3 kids, was diagnosed and hospitalized in the ICU with COVID-19 beginning of July. The whole family showed symptoms, however, within a week only his oxygen levels dropped overnight and was rushed to the ER. His lungs had completely collapsed and the virus spread too quickly. He was immediately placed on and continues to be on a ventilator. Due to the rapid increase in COVID cases, he has not been able to receive the proper medication and continues to show little to no lung recovery. He is now facing other serious health conditions due to kidney failure, potential heart problems, fluctuating levels of blood pressure/sugar, etc. in addition to blood clots in his already damaged lungs. The doctors have speculated that he will continue to need critical care for the foreseeable future. He is a loving father and husband, hard worker, good friend to many, and firm believer in God. Even as he was leaving for the hospital, he kept a smile on his face and put all of his trust in the Lords plan for him. Due to this health emergency, both Daniel and Pauline have not been able to work for over 3 weeks and will continue to be unable to work. This situation continues to be trying on the family and the looming medical bills and mortgage payments have put undo stress on Pauline and his children. We solemnly ask for your help and prayers, anything you are willing to give will be greatly appreciated by the whole family. I have set this campaign up for my father, in order to assist my mother Pauline Park. She will be the beneificiary for the purpose of financial support while they are both out of work, and to aid in the immense medical bills due to necessary medicial procedures and extended / continuing stay in the ICU unit in Texas. We from the Park family whole heartedly thank each and every one of you praying for us, and supporting us through this time. We hope that everyone also continues to stay safe and take care as well as we all fight our way through this pandemic.
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